

  "_data": [
      "_type": "datasets/gov/ivpk/adp/catalog/Dataset",
      "_id": "00329666-f4f8-4f8f-9e50-0be0982d9765",
      "_revision": "49ed8368-a035-4db5-a3d1-2866ffb16623",
      "_base": null,
      "id": 1553,
      "created": "2021-09-16T10:24:10.580025",
      "modified": "2021-10-15T13:37:37.090795",
      "version": 9,
      "catalog": null,
      "description": "Lietuvos Respublikos adresų registro statistinių duomenų rinkinys - įregistruotų, galiojančių Adresų registro objektų skaičius mėnesio pradžiai (Lietuvos Respublikos adresų registro statistiką apibūdinantys duomenys).\nDuomenų geografinė imtis — visa šalies teritorija.\nBrandos lygis — III. \nAtnaujinimo dažnumas — kas 1 mėn. \nDuomenų formatas  — CSV.\nLicencija — CC BY 4.0.\nAtvėrimo data — 2021-04-01.",
      "internal_id": null,
      "language": "lt",
      "licence": null,
      "creator": {
        "_id": "e4949410-f822-4b51-aba1-77bf49440af7"
      "contributor": null,
      "publisher": null,
      "priority_score": 100,
      "published": "2021-10-15T13:37:36.722460",
      "slug": "adresu-registro-galiojanciu-objektu-kiekiai-menesio-pradziai",
      "spatial_coverage": null,
      "spatial_resolution": null,
      "status": "METADATA",
      "tags": "statistika; Adresų registras; RC; Registrų centras",
      "temporal_coverage": null,
      "temporal_resolution": null,
      "title": "Adresų registro galiojančių objektų kiekiai mėnesio pradžiai",
      "uuid": "3c98ff31-77eb-42db-a588-f6a875b70eb2",
      "catalog2": {
        "_id": "19036c4e-ffb2-4210-b222-5a2dd461e934"
      "access_rights": "CC BY 4.0",
      "category": {
        "_id": "1a1c9ab0-f527-4d43-8953-ddb3980e0e58"
      "distribution_conditions": "CC BY 4.0",
      "description_en": "Statistical data set of the Address Register of the Republic of Lithuania - the number of registered, valid Address Register objects for the beginning of the month (data describing the statistics of the Address Register of the Republic of Lithuania). Geographical sample of data - the whole territory of the country. Maturity level - III. Update frequency - every 1 month. Data format - CSV. License - CC BY 4.0. Opening date - 01/04/2021.",
      "last_update": "2021-10-15T13:37:37.088401",
      "title_en": "Quantities of valid objects in the address register at the beginning of the month",
      "structure": {
        "_id": null,
        "_content_type": null
      "frequency": null
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